
Wasp stings can pose a real health hazard.

Elis offers preventive and curative protection systems against this pest.

Our certified technicians use a cutting-edge application system to destroy nests without affecting the environment. Our experts use protective equipment and a strict protocol to ensure that the treatment is carried out safely. Our preventive trapping solutions offer you protection and peace of mind. Our teams help you to position them strategically for optimum effectiveness.



Size: 1 to 1.5 cm

Colour: bright yellow and black

Lifespan: 3 to 5 years (queen), 5 to 6 weeks (summer worker) and 5 to 6 months (winter worker)

Contaminated areas

Nests can be located in a wide range of places

Wasps can travel hundreds of metres around their nests.

Way of life

Live in hierarchical colonies


Painful stings, serious allergic reactions that can be fatal

An insect that can sting repeatedly

Affect the company’s image


3,000 eggs during lifespan

Treatment that offers peace of mind

The products used ensure maximum safety and comply with regulations.

Treatment that offers peace of mind

  • Picto_group_strategy-Innovation


    A diagnostic test of your establishment and a customised implementation study

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    Products with no risk to health

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    Two options, formalised or connected, for all services

  • Picto_group_strategy-Innovation


    Regional expertise hubs for technical services

Step by step

  • Audit of your premises and summary of facilities

  • Targeted on-site implementation + HACCP file

  • Control and changing of consumables

  • Traceability of all our interventions

  • Advice and recommendations

  • Treatment report sent automatically

  • Curative intervention in case of infestation